Grooming Form


Grooming Consent Form

Pet's Name
Please describe each item for: Leash, Collar, Harness, Carrier, if applicable.
Max. file size: 15 MB.
Does your pet bite?
If necessary, do we have permission to sedate your pet at an additional charge?
Would you like for us to file your pet’s nails after a nail trim? ($14 additional charge)
There is an additional charge for de-matting that will be determined by the groomer. The groomer will call if any de-matting is required. Your pet must be picked up by closing. There is a $5 fee for every 10 minutes your pet is here after closing. For your pet’s protection and for the safety of all pets at Inwood Animal Clinic, we require that your pet be current with all vaccinations. For dogs this includes: Distemper/Parvo, Bordetella, and Rabies. For cats FVRCP and Rabies are required.
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Terms of Service

Medical Conditions or Senior Pets Grooming procedures can sometimes be stressful, especially for a senior pets or pets with health problems. Grooming can expose hidden medical problems as well as aggravate an existing one, whether it be during or after the groom. Because senior pets and pets with health problems have a greater risk of injury, these pets will be groomed for comfort and cleanliness, as Inwood Animal Clinic will not compromise any pet’s health and/or wellbeing to achieve “the perfect groom”. The pet owner will advise Inwood Animal Clinic of any medical, physical or emotional issues, allergies, sensitivities, or pre-existing conditions. These conditions may include, but are not limited to, prior surgeries, hip and/or joint issues, warts, moles, ear infections or skin problems. The owner will also inform Inwood Animal Clinic of new conditions as they arise. Inwood Animal Clinic will not be responsible for accident or injury to elderly or healthcompromised pets during their grooming. By signing below, the owner agrees that Inwood Animal Clinic has permission to groom their senior or health-compromised pet, and has discussed any and all (past and present) health problems to the best of their knowledge.
Fleas If fleas are found on your pet, Inwood Animal Clinic will give a one off flea treatment (aCna apdstdaitri)o anta l minimum cost of $15. This cost covers the medication and administration to ensure our grooming salon is free of active parasites. Capstar kills the fleas on the pet only. If there are fleas in the home area, the treatment will not protect your pet once they leave the establishment.
Matted Pet Policy Pets with matted coats will require extra attention. If the matting is deemed minimal by our groomer, and the pet responds well, we may brush them out for an additional fee ($10-$30 for most grooming and will be at the groomer's decision. Please be on standby for any calls from the groomer. We firmly believe that grooming should be an enjoyable experience and will not put your pet through the discomfort of unnecessary de-matting. We will notify you before short shaving your pet. If permission to short shave is denied, the groom will not be completed and you must collect your pet as they were left. There is a greater risk of nicking, scratching, cuts etc, during the grooming process. In addition, the skin may appear red, itchy and irritated due to the lack of oxygen reaching in and under the fur. Inwood Animal Clinic will not be held responsible for any injury sustained while grooming a matted pet, including any after effects. Our groomer and store staff will be more than happy to demonstrate effective brushing techniques for matting prevention.
Accidents Although accidents are very rare, there is always a risk when dealing with pets. Grooming equipment can be sharp, and although we use extreme caution and care in all situations, possible accident could occur including cuts, nicks, scratches, quicking of nails etc. In most cases, this can happen when a pet is wiggling or moving around. Any incident, no matter how small, will be communicated to the pet owner. Any veterinary bills resulting from a pet being matted, elderly, aggressive or difficult temperament, or from a pre-existing or unforeseeable condition will be the sole responsibility of the owner. Your pet’s safety and comfort is our number one priority. Therefore, if our groomer feels that your pets safety will be compromised they will cease the groom and notify you immediately. In the event that an accident does occur, you will be notified.
Muzzles Muzzling does not harm your pet and protects both the pet and the groomer. In some cases, muzzling may even calm a stressed animal allowing the grooming process to continue. If your pet acts in a manner that our groomer feels is dangerous, Inwood Animal Clinic has the right to stop grooming services at any time and a service fee will be collected. We do not muzzle unless your pet gives us a reason to.
Dangerous/Aggressive Animals and Behavioral Issues The owner must inform Inwood Animal Clinic if your pet bites, has bitten before, is aggressive, unpredictable and/or has any other behavioral issues, including nervousness. If the owner fails to notify us of any potential danger or behavioral issue, you can and will be liable for all medical fees, out of work compensation, as well as any and all property damage. We will make every reasonable attempt to groom uncooperative pets, but we may not be able to complete grooming on pets that pose a threat to themselves, other pets or our groomers. We reserve the right to muzzle any pet for their safety and ours. Extremely aggressive or unruly pets will not be groomed. If a dog is felt to be exhibiting behavior that is unsafe, it may be in the best interest of the pet that the groom be stopped. A fee will be charged dependent on work completed up to that point. All bites are subject to notification of local authorities. Inwood Animal Clinic has the right to refuse grooming services, stop grooming services, or cancel grooming services at any time before, during or after grooming.
Late Pick Up When dropping off your pet, you will be advised of a time frame we anticipate completion of services. Please keep in mind that grooming can be a very time consuming and unpredictable process depending on pet’s behavior, as well as condition of the coat, and when clients arrive for the appointments. We will do our best to manage to the approximated time given, but please understand that factors outside of our control can influence how long the process may take. All pets brought in for grooming must be picked up within one hour of the time the client is informed the pet is ready. Pets remaining after that time will incur a fee of $15. There is a $5 fee for every 10 minutes your pet is here after closing. We do not hold responsibility for anything that happens to your pet whilst awaiting collection. Unfortunately, we cannot keep pets that are noisy longer than their grooming time. All pets that have been classified as noisy will be groomed within 3 hours and must be collected within 30 minutes of call time.
Satisfaction Your satisfaction is important. If you are unhappy for any reason, and would like something adjusted, we will be happy to work with you when you pick up your pet from their appointment. However, once you take your pet home; any adjustments requested after this time will be charged a grooming fee.


By signing below, you indicate that you understand and agree to our terms of service. You also agree that you release Inwood Animal Clinic its owners, employees and affiliates from all liabilities, expenses, damages and costs resulting from any service provided or injury (including death) to your pet(s) while in our care or afterward.
MM slash DD slash YYYY